Welcome to Short Acres Farm
We offer lessons for students of all ages and skill levels. We schedule classes both after school and during the day. Whether this is your first time on a horse or your return to riding, we work to the individual abilities of our clients. By maintaining small class sizes, we have the flexibility to integrate specific lesson objectives into the collective spirits of the class. At Short Acres, classmates and families can often be heard cheering on another student as they finally master a new skill or overcome a longtime fear. Our greatest achievement is your personal triumph!
Like people, horses possess their own unique talents and personalities; but unlike humans, they are hard-pressed to hide their “flaws” from others. The raw expression of themselves and their ability to accept you as you are is often what draws that first reluctant or tentative client’s hand to reach out and pet a nose or two. Once on a horse, their eagerness to teach you what they have to offer while challenging you to grow and connect with them is what we seek to share with our clients. Through those connections is built trust, self-confidence, personal achievement, and empathy. Not to mention great life skills such as responsibility, patience, compassion, process and tolerance!
…an effort to unite horse and human…
We would love to hear from you. Please contact us!
Farm – (360) 514-0780
Cell – (360) 600-3713
Stay up-to-date with us!